How to Assemble Printer Paper Curlicue

  1. Cut out the strips carefully.
  2. Pre-crease the slanted edges. The edges on the coloured triangles are mountain folds. The edges on the white triangles are valley folds.
  3. The rectangles on the left of the strips are to be attached to the end of the previous strips.
  4. Make sure the rectangles are on top as shown in the figure below. (Put glue on the bottom of the paper.)
  5. Note only the parts that show are coloured.

Joint Curlicue

Folding instructions are in Curlicue: Kinetic Origami by Assia Brill ISBN-13:978-1494234935.
Check out Sara Adams' Video Instruction.

After we cut one strip we can start folding until we reach the last 2 or 3 cells. Then glue the next strip and continue to fold.
